Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Daily Weaverliness

I have joined a group on Weavolution, called Daily Weaverliness.
I didn't know the word weaverliness, so I asked the manager, what it means.
Her answer to me: "I don't know that it is a real word but I used it meaning anything realted to weaving - so it can include planning, designing, spinning, finishing, as well as warping, and weaving."

I think it's a lovely word. Try to taste it.

I really like to play with words. In the Danish language we have a lot of words who can be used in different sense. F.ex. to tread the heddles are "at sølle" (the little word "at" indicate something to do - to work, to run ect.). But the word "sølle" also mean something poor or little, something you don't count on, so when I construct the sense "en sølle fejl" it will have two interpretations: An error in the treading of the heddles, or just a little error.

I'm wondering if I can make the same puns with heddles and headless. I'll try.

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