Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Colors, colors and colors

I think I've been talking about it before.
All about colors.
Here we go again.

Colors and dramatic

Probably I wasn't the only one, here in Denmark, who watched the sunset view a couple of days ago .

The sky is just stunning.

Well, How is that related too weaving?
A lot.

Yesterday, I cut off my guest towels.

2013-06-06 11.43.36

Today I have to cut of cord ends, before zigzag between the towels, bend and hemming.

Here are the leftover from the first operation.

2013-07-31 11.33.52

2013-07-31 11.34.14

Monday, July 15, 2013

From Wraps to Weave

It wasn't difficult too choose.

The battle was between the red and the red-brown.

And the winner is:

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Stripes, wrap samples and the Golden ratio

I'm doing some guest towels.

I want to add a stripe of plain weave.
How should this stripe be.
Where should it be.

Then the math-geek replies: the Golden Ratio.

The golden ratio has fascinated Western intellectuals of diverse interests for at least 2,400 years. Wikipedia.

As you can see above, I had to Google and I found a formula.

The calculation gave me a stripe 5 cm high, 8 cm from top/bottom.

I took my yarn and cardboard and vent to my Yarn-pusher. She has knitting party in the garden during the summer  It was rather cozy, sitting fiddle with the wrap samples and talking and meeting new people.

Then it's time to choose.